

Free Nine Star Ki software from Sonia Hirsch's site at!

The software is written in the Portuguese language but it's easy to use and interesting.

For more information just click here!





Nine Star Ki Toolbox

Using Math for Quick Calculations


The ki of any year of the 20th century is easy to determine. For 1922, you can add 2+2 (=4). Then subtract the 4 from 10 (=6). So, 1922 was a 6 Metal year.

For 1947, I add 4+7 (=11). 11 is greater than 10, so I add again --> 1+1=2. Then subtract 2 from 10 (=8). So, 1947 was an 8 Soil year.

I can do the same for the 21st century, but first I must subtract 99. 2023- 99 = 1924. Now I can take the 2 & 4 and do the same math as we did, above. 2+4=6. 10-6=4. So 1924 and 2023 are 4 Tree years. Thank you H. C.!

Please remember, the Nine Star Ki year begins on February 4th. Therefore, January "belongs to" the energetics of the previous year.

Here's another method for years in the 21st century, provided by Thomas Faber.

Add ALL digits of a year in the 21st century: (2005 is 2+0+0+5=7) then substract that from 11 and you'll have the 4 tree year.


So, 2000 -> 11-2=9
2001 -> 11-(2+1)=8
2002 -> 11-(2+2)=7
2006 -> 11-(2+6)=3
2055 -> 11-(2+5+5=12 -> 1+2=3)=8


Here's a trick that quickly enables you to determine the 9 Star Ki annual position of anybody, if you know their age:

1) Reduce the numbers in their age to a single digit (e.g. 31 = 3+1 = 4).

2) Then count up 5 digits, within the cycle of nine (e.g. 4 + 5 = 9; so all 31 year olds are in the 9 Fire position).

More examples:
47 years old // 4+7 = 11 // 1+1 = 2 // 2+5 = 7 Metal position.
96 years old // 9+6 = 15 // 1+5 = 6 // 6+5 = 2 Soil position (7, 8, 9, 1, 2)

You must use the age that the person will be, between now and February 4th of next year. For example, if the person is 53 years old, but will have a birthday later on this year, then start with the number 54.